Saturday, January 8, 2011

Potato Donut

I made this donut for few times and all of them are succeed. this is easy to make. just follow the instruction and you will succeed in making this donut. the taste is no doubt absolutely delicious

Recipe by : Fatmah Bahalwan
Ingredients :
500 grams of high protein flour
50 grams milk powder
11 grams instant yeast
200 grams potatoes, steamed, mashed
100 grams sugar
75 grams butter
½ teaspoon salt
4 egg yolks
100 ml cold water

Directions :
- in the container, combine the flour, sugar, milk powder, instant yeast, mix well, put mashed potatoes and egg yolks, knead until blended and smooth.
- Give the butter and salt, continue to knead until smooth elastic. Rest 15 minutes.
- The dough is divided into small pieces, each 50 g, round. Let stand 20 minutes, until fluffy.
- Punch a hole through the middle, into a donut shape, quickly fry until golden brown.
- Remove and drain. Sprinkle with sugar donuts, or decorate with chocolate.
Results: 20 donuts

Porridge Marrow

I try this recipe from detikfood and the recipe is very good and very easy, the person who can not cook and bake absolutely can make this recipe, just try it... it taste so yummy

Ingredients :
100 grams of fine rice flour
½ teaspoon salt
650 ml coconut milk
2 pieces of pandan leaves, cut into pieces

200 gr brown sugar, cut into small pieces
50 g sugar
250 ml water
1 sheet of pandan leaves, cut into pieces
Directions :
- Mix the rice flour, with some coconut milk and salt. Mix well.
- Cook the remaining coconut milk and pandan until boiling.
- Pour a solution of rice flour, stirring until thick and boiling. Lift.
- Sauces: Cook all ingredients to boil and sugar dissolves. Remove and strain.
- Serve the porridge with sauce.

Cake Tape

This cake is made by butter cake recipe but I add tape in it. and it taste delicious. but everything depends on the quality of the tape, flour, your oven and your mixer.. if fail just keep try and try until succeded

Ingredients :
250 gr flour
500 g eggs (egg yolks 7, 1 whole egg)
250 gr sugar
250 gr butter
2 pieces of 'tape'
½ teaspoon vanilla
½ teaspoon baking powder

Directions :
- Beat butter and sugar until slightly white (must use a mixer)
- After that enter the egg
- Shake a little longer let the cake a bit later expands approximately 30 minutes (must use a mixer)
- Put the flour, shake with the slowest speed
- put in 'tape' money has been smashed
- Put into the pan
- Bake for 45 minutes with a temperature of 190 degrees Celsius
- test with toothpich

Friday, January 7, 2011

Banana Chocolate Cake

Maybe this is called butter cake, I got this recipe from my friend she just use egg yolk 7  and only 1 whole egg. the result is the cake with delicious taste. but then I confused what should I do with the egg white. any ideas ?

Ingredients :
7 egg yolks
1 whole egg
250 gr margarine
200 gr sugar (I reduce 50gr)
200 gr flour
50 g cocoa powder
1 / 2 teaspoon vanilla
1 / 2 teaspoon baking powder
2 bananas mashed cavendis

1. Beat sugar, margarine, vanilla, baking powder until thoroughly about 2-3 minutes using a mixer
2. add egg yolks one at a time and shake lg to 20 minutes
3. turn off the mixer
4. enter the already mashed banana mix
5. enter the sifted flour and sifted cocoa and mix well
6. pour in pan and bake until cooked. about 60 minutes the fire under fire 15menit top temperature of 180 degrees
7. pick test with toothpick to make sure the cake is done

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